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15 Positive Affirmations to Make Today a Good Day!

Sunrise over the ocean with blog title

Starting the day with positive affirmations is a great way to get you in the right frame of mind to have your best day being your best self. Pin this to your Pinterest board and maybe even print it off and pin it up by your bathroom mirror or next to your bed so you see it when you first wake up in the morning.

The way we start our day invariably has an impact on how the rest of the day goes.  So, getting the right start is the best thing you can do to ensure you create a day that you enjoy and maybe even memorable enough for you to look back on in years to come.


Pick one or more positive affirmations to repeat to yourself, first in your head then out loud, say it loud and mean it! If it brings a smile to your face as you say know it's working :)



1. Today is a great day to have a great day.

2. I am so much better than I think I am.

3. I look for the positives in every experience.

4. I am open and receptive to new ideas.

5. Whatever it is I want to achieve today; I CAN do it.

6. I look and feel fabulous all day today.

7. I go through my day today radiating positive energy.

8. Some people look for problems, I look for solutions.

9. If I believe I can do it, I can do it.

10. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new.

11. I feel great today and I pass on my happy demeanour to everyone I meet.

12. The only limitations I have are the ones I set myself.

13. I let go of the negatives and focus on the positives.

14. Being kind to everyone I meet has become second nature to me.

15. Today I let go of who I was for who I can become.

Sunrise over the ocean with list of 15 affirmations - printable

Save this image to your pinterest board or right click and save it to your computer to print off and put it in a place you will see it every morning.


Have a fabulous day! And I’d love for you to let me know which of these positive morning affirmation gets your day off to a good start! Let me know in the comments.

I hope you enjoyed these 15 Positive Affirmations to Make Today a Good Day! Don't forget to Save them to your Pinterest boards for later :)


v Lisa Edwards meditating by the ocean – with signature.


Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey.


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